The One Hour Leader is a simple, step-by-step framework for Female Founders to design a high performing team that delivers results. When you purchase today, we'll include audio book read by the author, Kris Plachy.
Where elite visionary women go to receive the best next level leadership training, advisement, and coaching, created exclusively for women by successful women.
Limited time offer. Buy All Four Self-Study Clinics and Save $191! The Bundle includes:- How to Pay People - Team Meetings & Performance Reviews - Performance Fundamentals & Accountability - Foundations of a High Performing Team LEARN MORE
Compensation. Always a hot topic, right? Paying people is not just about the numbers. It's about your pay philosophy. Are you paying for time or performance? Define your beliefs and align your pay strategy accordingly. Compensation is more than LEARN MORE
Did you know that many people have no clue how to lead effective meetings and do performance reviews? So, what's the big deal about either of them? Well, my friend, they are crucial for assessing collaboration, communication, ownership, and simplifying results and aligning expectations. LEARN MORE
Wondering how to address performance issues objectively? Our Clinic provides vital insights on basing evaluations on facts, not opinions. FINALLY, learn an exact structure and script for how to have difficult conversations and even... FIRE someone. Yes even THAT one employee you feel like you might be stuck with forever... LEARN MORE
Wondering what is the super-secret sorcery that other people know and you don't about what makes great teams great? Is it just dumb luck or is there something else going on? Well, the truth is there's always a little bit of luck in hiring. But for the most part, building a high-performing team LEARN MORE
It's Time to Enjoy What You've Worked So For
Where does true entrepreneurial freedom come from?The unplugged vacations, having a flexible schedule, or even selling it to start something new...